V Line Power Slim

f SPB - New VLINE aesthetics power slim

V Line Power Slim is a three-step procedure for men and women that shapes the jaw into a more youthful and slender defined point.

 Everyone that works here is a master at their craft and I’ll only come here now!!!   Alexis R. | Walnut, CA

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How to Ovalize a Face

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skin perfect brothers how to overlay the face
skin perfect brothers how to overlay the face
skin perfect brothers how to overlay the face

Importantly, is the V Line Power Slim the right treatment for me? Watch the video!

1. Absolutely, Yes! If you feel your face is too square or round.

2. Unquestionably, Yes! If you look tired or sad due to drooping mouth corners or fatty bulges on the corners of the mouth.

3. Undoubtedly, Yes! If you have a double chin or your jawline is difficult to visualize.

Moreover, our process is as simple as 1-2-3!

face slimming v line aesthetics

1. Slim down jaw bulges with Botox Facial Slimming.   Botox Facial Slimming is an off-label use of Botox (just as the forehead is off label but is done commonly). This step takes just 1 injection (20-60u) on each side of the cheek. Typical cases see facial slimming in less than 2 weeks with results lasting up to 6 months.

2. Melt away cheek and jowl fat (buccal fat) with Kybella. Hanging cheek fat is also known as buccal fat. Due to time and gravity, the fat in the cheek gets pulled down to the corners of the mouth, creating a sad and tired look. Kybella injections can be used off-label to address this area. Treatment for this area generally takes 2 to 3 sessions a few weeks apart with results fully present within 4 weeks.

3. Melt away chin fat with FDA-approved Kybella.  Kybella is an FDA approved on-label treatment for double chins. Once the fat is gone from the chin, you may consider tightening treatments as well.

Before and After: The Art of Natural Transformation
power slim treatment
Skin perfect brothers V line aesthetics Power Slim and v line power lift
facial slimming medical spa in Los Angeles
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