V-Line Injectable Pre Post Care: PDO Thread Care

pdo thread lift skin perfect brothers
  • Drink plenty of water and eat something 2 hours before treatment.
  • Call or Text 909-8390714
  • Please send a photo. This will shorten your wait time.

PDO Thread Care: Results

  • Effects should be noticeable immediately after treatment. However, maximum effect will occur 4-6 weeks.
  • Bruising and swelling is normal and expected. If bruising is visible you can take oral Arnica or apply topical Arnica Gell or Cearna Arnica patch to areas that are discolored.
  • Asymmentry and irregularity of the tissue is common and will typically resolve in one to two weeks.
  • Pain at the insertion points is normal and may last several days after treatment. Please consult your provider for any pain beyond 2 weeks.

PDO Thread Care: Avoid

  • Excessive movement or animation of the are injected for 2 weeks.
  • Massage or manipulation of the tissue for 2 weeks.
  • Aesthetic treatments including RF, IPL, Laser Treatments, or microneedling for 2 weeks after body treatments. No deep squats for one month if you have had any threads injected into the buttocks area.
  • Steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, or any water source that could be unclean or excessive in temperature for two weeks.
  • Taking Ibuprofen for 2 weeks. Acetaminophen may be taken instead, if needed.

When to call or text (909) 839-0714? If there is an increase in the following symptoms 8 to 12 hours after treatment. Always come in or make a 5 minute virtual consultation.

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bump

99.9% of the time these symptoms resolve on their own quickly.

  • Drink plenty of water and eat something 2 hours before treatment.
  • Call or Text 909-8390714
  • Please send a photo. This will shorten your wait time.